Kat Elton
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"Resilience requires internal power because without it you won't have the fortitude to take the actions that resilience requires."
                —A Resilient Life  

Healthy Living Resources

Healthy Living Products

Below are some companies that I recommend for Healthy Living Products:

"The RAGuyFoundation is a valuable resource for people with rheumatoid arthritis and their families. It is was developed by and for people with RA, and is a place to go for resources for emotional support, and connection for people with RA, their loved ones and health care team. I am honored to be a part of the team and look forward to seeing more programs and offerings as the RA Guy Foundation continues to grow." -- Kat Elton



RA GUY FOUNDATIONRheumatoidArthritis.net:
"If you are looking for articles written by people living with rheumatoid arthritis about living with rheumatoid arthritis, this is the website for you. I was so impressed with the articles I was reading and I learned so much from them, that I decided to write for the site as well. You can find my articles there and so many more that I learn from every day." -- Kat Elton



Sunlighten Saunas:
"I have purchased two Sunlighten Saunas and never have regretted a cent that I spent. They are excellent for pain relief and detoxification." -- Kat Elton


Wilwand Tea and Healing Arts:
"Wilwand Teas are excellent, and many blends are handcrafted by owner Shannon Wilwand, who also does Bio 9 Energy Healing. I have personally worked with Shannon for over ten years and to this day she knocks my socks off!" --Kat Elton


The Mindplace Company:
"I completed training in biofeedback years ago and light/sound therapy is a useful adjunct to this. It accelerates the process of relaxation, and anyone who lives with pain and/or chronic stress will appreciate this!" -- Kat Elton



"The Brainsync CD Sound Sleep changed my life about ten years ago and I have tried, with success, a number of their other products." --Kat Elton



True Health, The Inside Job
by Kat Elton
Price: $14.95  


Learn to thrive, not just survive, with Rheumatoid Arthritis
by Kat Elton
Price: $19.99  


"When I take the time to ponder the true meaning of health I realize that, surprisingly, my disease has made me healthier. With each challenge the disease has created for me, the opportunity has been there to transmute this challenge into a lesson on how to be a better person. The arthritis has made me wise. And I use this wisdom to create a healthy life." --Kat Elton

About Kat Elton

A Resilient Life

True Health